Tomatoes From the Balcony Garden

Last week some of the tomatoes started to ripen and be edible. Yay.

photo of red and green cherry tomatoes

Red and green cherry tomatoes from balcony garden

The beans stopped growing well. I am not sure why. The plants seem ok, the beans just are not tiny or otherwise inedible. It might be not enough water, or not enough nutrients in the soil or something else. Also what I thought were pepper plants, were not. So none of the pepper seeds sprouted ๐Ÿ™ At least for the time being the tomato plants seem to be producing well. The plants are pretty wimpy though (not as bushy as they normally are – are when they are most healthy).

Related: Balcony Vegetable Garden Starting to Produce FoodGrowing Your Own Food With a Balcony Vegetable Garden

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