Drinks I Enjoy in Malaysia

phone of orange juice and strawbery soda

Orange juice and strawberry soda

Two drinks I have enjoyed since moving to Malaysia are orange juice and strawberry soda. Ok, the strawberry soda is just sugar water with some flavoring (that tastes nothing like strawberry to me) but I like it. What I really like is the orange juice. In the USA they have orange juice with pulp (essentially the inside of the skin of the orange. I don’t like pulp. This orange juice has intact orange “capsules.” I really don’t know what you call them, but the tiny bits of the orange that actually have the juice inside of them. The juice in the photo has lots of those floating in it, which are yummy.

I also like fresh lime juice and really most fresh juices. Green tea is nice, and I have been drinking much more tea recently. One thing I still haven’t figured out is what some places mean by yogurt. Some smoothies are great with really yogurt. Several places though obviously have no yogurt in what they call yogurt drinks – they are just juice flavoring with crushed ice.

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2 thoughts on “Drinks I Enjoy in Malaysia

  1. Oh I love that orange juice! We discovered it only last week. Boleh Sac Oren! LOL But my secret addiction is Ice Cream Soda rather than the strawberry one you showed. We had a bubble tea recently without any “bubbles”. Like yours, it was just flavouring over crushed ice. Made us think twice too.

  2. I couldn’t resist trying the ice cream soda. I was wondering what that was suppose to taste like. Now I know, it tastes exactly like cream soda (which is not found often in the USA). I never have seen it as shown as ice cream soda in the USA.

    I am also not sure the strawberry soda listed above is what I liked. I had it at a food court and now that I tried this version, I think it isn’t the same brand. And I didn’t like this brand as much.

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