Hemmant Trail, Fraser’s Hill, Malaysia

Hemmant Trail is a short (1 km) trail located inside Fraser’s Hill (just a short walk from the clock tower, the trail is next to the golf course).

photo of Hemmant Trailhead

The entry to the trail is difficult to see if you come from the north, though it doesn’t look like it would be from the photo. If you walk to the start from the clock tower it is much easier to see the trailhead which is will be on your right before your reach the Mosque.

photo of Hemmant Trail Fraser's Hill

The trail is quite nice and fairly easy.

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Pine Hill Trail, Fraser’s Hill, Malaysia

Pine Hill Trail is the longest trail in Fraser’s Hill. It is a bit difficult to find the trailhead, it was further along the road than I thought. They suggest letting your hotel or Inn know your plans (how long you plan to hike, when you should be back, etc.).

trees fallen across the trail

The trail was blocked in several places giving you the chance to climb over or around fallen trees.

I found it to be a wonderful hike. It is quite a bit of up at down at the beginning.

photo of the the trail through the forest

At one point I say a huge monkey swinging from banches high in the canopy but I couldn’t get a photo of it ๐Ÿ™

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Bishop Trail, Fraser’s Hill, Malaysia

photo of trees along Bishop Trail in Fraser's Hill

Fraser’s Hill, Malaysia is a small town in the highlands (about 2 hours from Kuala Lumpur). There are quite a few nice trails that let you get a sense for a natural forest yet they are easily walked to from the many inns and hotels in Fraser’s Hill.

trees and trail on Bishop Trail, Fraser's Hill

The Bishop Trail is one of the longer trails with a few fairly difficult sections. I found it quite enjoyable, but be prepared for a couple sections that will challenge you to scramble across a creek bed or up a steep collapsed trail.

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Big Lizards in Johor Bahru CBD

Large lizard (over 1 meter)

Large, thin, lizard (over 1 meter)

Two days ago I saw this big lizard and managed to get a photo. It is at least a meter long from head to tail (probably longer, the tail is really long). Still it isn’t huge since it is very narrow (more like a snake with legs than anything else).

A few months ago I saw a really big lizard 1 block from the CIQ. It was easily 2 meters long (head to end of the tail) and quite large (stout). I was standing for awhile looking at this cool patch of wild greenery. All of a sudden I heard a noise and looked down; this large lizard probably got tired of me standing so and moved quickly into the brush. I hadn’t seen it. I would guess it was sunning itself, before I wandered over. Too bad I didn’t have my camera ready.

close up of the large, thin, lizard

Close up of the large, thin, lizard (shown above)

A few weeks ago I saw one in between the size of those 2 (more like the stout one) that leaped into the undergrowth before I got a good look.

And today I saw another one (like the one in the photo) in a park near KSL Mall. It was maybe 700 cm or so. That is it for my large lizard spotting in Johor Bahru. I do see these little guys in my condo occasionally.

I do wonder what the largest ones eat. People keep chickens and feed neighborhood cats (as far as I can tell they are stray cats). I would think those lizards could get young chickens and cats maybe. I also wonder if the cats get any of the young chicks. I would imagine people wouldn’t like that too much. I guess the adult chickens are pretty good at keeping the cats at bay. They mill around right next to each other and I haven’t seen any cat stalking them. I see the cats stalking each other a fair amount (the young ones).

I haven’t seen lizard or snake on the menu anywhere here. I’m sure it probably is I just haven’t noticed it (in a bunch of places they don’t have menus in English. I have seen frog and deer and wild boar (and of course squid is common and I really like it). When I have had alligator or snake I have liked it. Nice lean meat.

If you know what type of lizards are in the photos (and what the larger one might be) please mention it, in a comment.