Siew San Teng (Tau Pek Kong) Temple and Chinese History Museum, Kuching

photo of temple doors

The Siew San Teng (Tau Pek Kong) Temple in Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo, Malaysia has retained this spot since 1770. It is across the street from the Kuching river walk (and the small Chinese history museum). The temple itself has been renovated and rebuilt many times.

photo looking toward the river

View of the river from Siew San Teng Temple. The museum is visible on the left of the photo.

art at the Siew San Teng Temple

The temple is an average Chinese temple in my opinion. It is so convenient if you are in Kuching and at all interested in temples you might as well go.

Chinese History Museum building

Chinese History Museum in Kuching

The small Chinese History Museum across the street provides a brief look at the Chinese influence in Kuching; if you are there it is worth 15 minutes.

View of the temple from the street:
photo of Siew San Teng Temple

Related: Cheng Hoon Teng Temple (Temple of Green Cloud), MelaccaBuddha Tooth Temple, SingaporeJohor Bahru Old Chinese Temple

2 thoughts on “Siew San Teng (Tau Pek Kong) Temple and Chinese History Museum, Kuching

  1. Pingback: Cheng Ho Cultural Museum, Malacca | Living in Malaysia

  2. Pingback: Photos of Kuching, Borneo, Malaysia | Living in Malaysia

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