Qi Bakery, Permas Jaya, Johor Bahru

photo of Qi Bakery exterior

This is my favorite bakery in JB (I like quite a few bakeries here actually). It is located in Permas Jaya, right next store to my favorite book store: Treasures n Books. Straits View condos are visible in the left background of this photo and the Renaissance hotel is a block away.

photo of buns at Qi Bakery

I really like these buns (shaped like a ball) that were not available the day I took the photo (I think they are some sort of Korean bun). The chiffon is also very good – blueberry especially.

photo of buns at Qi Bakery

They also have many buns that have very distinctive and good flavors and textures. And the prices are excellent.

photo of display cases at Qi Bakery

The bake all sorts of great stuff on the premises and you may order wedding and birthday cakes and the like.

photo of pandan chiffon at Qi Bakery

The egg salad sandwiches are also very good.

Qi Bakery
5 Jaland Permas 10/8
Bandar Baru, Permas Jaya, 81750
Phone: 07-386-1586

Related: Salahuddin Bakery, old townJusco Mall at Permas Jaya, Johor BahruBus from downtown JB to Permas Jaya